Say goodbye to body hang ups & self loathing…

Learn to love yourself from the inside out & how to treat your body as your best friend!




FeelING worn down and unable to have fun?
Turning down invites?
Not going for promotions?
Lacking self-confidence & direction?

HATING A wardrobe full of “wrong” ill-fitting clothes?

It doesn’t have to be like this…

By discovering self-worth, unconditional love and self acceptance, you’ll be empowered to live a full and purposeful life.

You can…

  • Accept those invitations
  • Go for promotions
  • Open the wardrobe without fear and love dressing up
  • Learn to life a happier life of acceptance

Carry your own SWAG

Body Confidence Coaching, WORKSHOPS,
Public Speaking & Styling Services


As women we should feel empowered & comfortable to show up as our authentic selves, not  conforming to society’s expectations


Hello, I’m Mina Kumari

I help women who’ve fallen out of love with their bodies!


  • Body Confidence Coach
  • PUBLIC Speaker & Advocate

I’ve been there and know exactly what it feels like to lose respect for, neglect and abuse my body.

From a happy childhood, I had to grow up overnight, I lost myself and became someone I didn’t know. I lost touch with my inner child and self confidence.

Now, I’am a woman in her 50’s who loves life to the max, makes the most of any opportunities to dance and be that 5 year old child and I want the same freedom and happiness for you.

I’m the lady who can help you look at yourself NAKED and accept every lump & bump, scar and empower you to live your life the way you want.

Left unaddressed this damaging cycle is self perpetuating…


    • Still be living a life you’re really are not happy with
    • Experiencing a lack of self worth
    • Still be despairing of cupboards full  of clothes and still have nothing to wear
    • Keep making those wrong choices when buying clothes
    • Have problematic friendships with those who keep holding you back and making you feel like ” the special fat friend in the groups”

I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know here, but it’s often scary when you don’t want to address inner issues, I get it!

Reality Check…
You’ve got one life to live to the full and doing nothing is no longer an option

IT DOESN’T MATTER Whether you’re a…


    • teen or great grandma
    • new mum or empty nester
    • bride to be, divorcee or widow
    • stay at home mum or woman in business…

You deserve happiness & self confidence, and I’m here to help you grab hold of it with both hands!